The Linden Lab approach appears to be to focus on a secure protocol such that untrusted clients are not a threat, and publish everything. LindenLab方法就在重点开发一种安全协议,使不信任的客户机不再会成为威胁,并可以发布任何内容。
The policy defines the secure protocol and credential passing required for secure interoperability between the TCS and the service. 策略定义了安全协议及TCS和服务之间的安全互通性所需的信任通道。
A new protocol called the Fast and Secure Protocol ( FASP ™) was developed to accelerate bulk data movement in the face of large RTT and severe packet loss. 且开发了一个称为FastandSecureProtocol(FASP™)的新协议,以在大型RTT和严重数据包丢失情况下加速批量数据移动。
It is a more efficient and secure protocol, which solves the bottleneck problem of trusted third party. 这个协议解决了可信第三方的性能瓶颈问题,是一个更为有效的、安全的密码协议。
A proved secure protocol for watermark verification based on perfect zero knowledge interactive proof system and bit commitments scheme is proposed. 基于完全零知识交互证明系统和位委托方案,提出了可证明的安全水印认证协议。
Research on the data link layer secure protocol of TES network based on ECC 基于ECC的TES网络链路层安全协议的研究
Attestation proxy party-supported remote attestation model and its secure protocol 支持验证代理方的远程证明模型及其安全协议
This paper proposes a new RFID secure protocol which uses the mechanism that the random sequence stored in the tag produces the pseudo random number to replace the random value generator. 提出一种新的RFID安全协议,利用已存储的随机序列产生伪随机数的机制代替随机数产生器。
After a secure protocol is bought forward, the security must be verified on its various aspects as possible as we can. 一个安全协议提出后,必须从各方面对其安全性进行验证。
Analysis of 3-D Secure protocol security 3-DSecure协议的安全分析
Verifiable secret sharing, group signature and signature of knowledge are useful in protecting important and sensitive information and always used in designing secure protocol of cryptology. 可验证秘密共享、群签名和知识签名是保护重要而敏感信息的有用工具,常用于设计安全的密码协议。
This might be useful when tunneling K4000RC over a secure protocol such as SSH, for example, to remove one redundant level of authentication. 当你越过仪器的保护协议如SSH,这招可能有用。例如,移动一个验证的多余标准。
New Generation Network Secure Protocol& IPv6 新一代的网络安全协议&IPv6
It also introduces Visa's 3-D secure protocol and its application in mobile commerce, and discusses correlative problems in implementation. 针对这些要求,介绍了Visa的3-D安全协议及其在移动商务中的应用,并讨论了实施中的相关问题。
SET protocol and 3-D Secure protocol are two kinds of secure electronic payment protocol based on credit card. A new scheme of 3-D Secure protocol was proposed based on the comparison of them. 接着在简要介绍两种基于信用卡的安全电子支付协议&SET协议和3-DSecure协议的基础上,提出了一种3-DSecure协议的安全性加强方案。
To minimize the cost of bandwidth and processing, the author chooses the SRTP ( Secure RTP) and MIKEY ( Multimedia Internet KEYing) as the secure protocol for real-time data. 为达到带宽消耗和处理代价最小化,本文采用SRTP(SecureRTP)和MIKEY(MultimediaInternetKEYing)作为实时数据的安全协议。
The paper briefly introduces SET protocol and 3-D Secure protocol, the card payment criterions for on-line transaction. 简要介绍了用于在线交易的卡支付规范SET协议和3-DSecure协议。
The scheme is based on 3-D Secure protocol. 该方案是对3-DSecure协议的改造,即将3-9Secure协议中的商户服务器插件(MPI)和收单行统一到第三方平台中。
This paper presents the improvement methods of the several existed secure leaks of SSL protocol at present according to analyzing the principle and security of electronic commerce secure protocol SSL, in order to improve the security and reliability. 在分析电子商务安全协议SSL原理和安全的基础上,对目前SSL协议中存在的几个安全漏洞提出了改进方法,以期提高SSL协议的安全可靠性。
Set forth a cipher synchronization scheme in the connectionless oriented IP layer, also present the state transform map of this secure protocol. 给出了面向非连接通信协议IP层的密码同步的解决方案和安全协议的运行状态图。
A secure protocol for mobile agent 一个移动Agent安全旅行协议
Communications among IKE protocol and policy-management module and Secure protocol module are implemented by PF_KEY socket. Policy-management is the basement of implementation of IPSEC protocol. IKE协议与策略管理模块之间、IKE协议与安全协议处理模块之间通过策略管理接口&PFKEY套接字进行通信;
The results show that 3-D secure protocol reduces complex encryption technology used in SET protocol, so it is weaker in security, thus a scheme is proposed to strengthen it. 分析结果表明,由于3-DSecure协议精简了SET协议中复杂的加密技术,导致安全性减弱,针对这一点提出了一个安全性加强方案。
Aimed at the increasingly severe security of web service, the security requirements of the message transport were analyzed. Several pieces of security guarantee were discussed base on secure protocol SSL or not. 针对Web服务领域日益严重的安全问题,分析了消息传输安全性的需求,分别讨论了几种常见的构架在SSL安全协议之上,或工作在非SSL环境下的安全保障措施。
IPSec protocol suite is a general-purpose secure protocol for Internet. Tightly integrated with IP protocol, it can provide various secure services for traffic at the IP layer. IPSec是一个与IP协议栈紧密结合的安全协议族,可以为IP层和IP层以上的数据传输提供统一的安全服务。
While secure e-commerce protocols are fundamental to e-commerce, a seemingly secure protocol often has security flows. 安全的电子商务协议是保证电子商务活动正常开展的基础,但一个貌似安全的协议往往存在安全上的漏洞。
There is an analysis in deeply for secure protocol of communications from a security point of view. It is detailed comparison of the existing, comprehensive security encryption techniques and algorithms. 从安全性的角度对应用层的安全通信协议进行了较为深入的分析,并对现有的,完善的安全加密技术和算法进行了详细的比较。
In the choice of system security agreement, the paper contrast some of the current security protocols, using the SSL protocol is selected by comparing this article as a system secure protocol for communication. 在系统的安全协议的选择上,文中对比了当前的一些安全协议,通过比较本文选择使用SSL协议来作为系统通信的安全协议。
It is necessary to design the light-weight algorithm for constructing the secure protocol in WSN. The new algorithm should reduce the requirements of computation power, communication power and storage power. 设计轻量级的安全算法对构建WSN下的安全协议具有重要的意义,算法应该尽可能降低对计算能力、通信能力以及存储能力的要求。
The secure communication between entities in the network is done over a secure protocol to assist. So once the attackers find the vulnerability of the security protocol, they can use it to attack the protocols and achieve their purpose. 网络中各个对等实体之间的安全通信都是通过安全协议来协助完成,因此安全协议一旦被发现缺陷或漏洞,就能被攻击者利用来对协议进行各种各样的攻击,进而达到攻击者的目的。